Do You Need A New Water Heater?
Are you having water heater issues? Does your water heater need new Heating Elements? Does your water heater need to be replaced altogether? Is the pressure and temperature relief valve leaking on your water heater or maybe you need a pressure tank on your water heater? Duke City Heating & Cooling does it all when it comes to water heaters whether they have a tank or are tankless. Give us a call and we will get one of our plumbers out to your home or office and get your hot water going again so you can enjoy that nice hot bath or shower you have been missing!
Duke City Heating & Cooling plumbers do not just remove your old water heater and install a new water heater, Our plumbers can also repair your existing water heating system depending on what the issue is. If you need tank-type water heater repairs, Tankless water heater repairs, or water heater repairs our team of trained and licensed plumbers can get you back underway as long as it is a repairable item. If it is the water heater tank leaking, unfortunately, that means that you will have to replace your existing water heater with a new one. Once the water heaters tank starts leaking there is not a whole lot else we can do. One thing we advise is to have your plumbing checked over yearly, the water heater flushed and the safety and water heater controls checked for proper operation to get the most life out of your system possible.
There are many brands of tankless water heaters along with there being many shapes, sizes, and options of tankless water heaters out there to make coming to a decision tough. Tankless water heaters all have their applications that they work best with and tankless water heaters all have their place that they are a good fit for. In the end, it is up to you the consumer, and what you want your tankless water heater to do for your personal needs as to what type of tankless water heater you have installed. Duke City Heating & Cooling can install any kind of tankless water heater, any brand of tankless water heater, and can take care of the yearly tankless water heater maintenance down the road. Our licensed and trained plumbers service and install all makes and models including, Rheem tankless water heaters, Rinnai tankless water heaters, Noritz tankless water heaters, Navien tankless water heaters, A.O. Smith tankless water heaters, Bosch tankless water heaters and many more. If you have a particular brand of tankless water heater that you prefer our plumbers can install all brands and our plumbers can service all makes and models of tankless water heaters.
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Plumbing Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! We want our customers to like what is installed on their own, so we prefer our customers to pick out the fixtures. We can do a mini-remodel with new plumbing fixtures – they make a huge difference!
You might notice you run out of hot water sooner than normal. You might also hear a loud thump when turning on the hot water. Usually, this is sediment that has built up inside your water heater.
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If New Mexico Gas has removed your meter, a pressure test will need to be performed. Any other code violations will have to be corrected before gas service can be restored.